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ELSA Processors 

List of organisations that have access to your data


Third party approved processors


For administrative purposes, we share your name and address (but not your survey answers) with a few approved suppliers who have been vetted by us and who have signed contracts and agreements to ensure strict data security arrangements are followed.


Secure repositories to allow other bone fide researchers to carry out their work


The following is a list of research data repositories in which we deposit your data. These repositories provide access to data on a safeguarded basis. Anonymous, non-sensitive data are made available on a licence to researchers. Where data may be more sensitive or detailed, data are only made available in highly controlled secure environments to which only accredited researchers can have access.


The information we deposit in these research data repositories does not contain names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other information which can easily identify you.


Organisations who carry out data linkage


The following is a list of other organisations that are sent information to carry out a specific task such as data linking or analysis of blood sample. Your identifying information will never be sent with survey answers to these organisations.


Your General Practitioner (GP)

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